
歌手把Hotel California唱得形神俱似,把人一下子拉到七十年代,仿如看Eagles Live, 女鼓手有蕭芳芳的味道,那時是黑白片年代的香港……檯上啤酒的名字是'風花雪月',有形而無形,虚之又虚, 偏遠山區茶馬古鎮的pub,竟有這角落容納了這份交錯了的時空, '他們說需要一个被世界遗忘的角落',Pub門外牌上的這句話,讓人佇足、沉思。

Music of cover version of Hotel California, and the chic look of the girl drummer , in such a remote area which was once a trading post of tea and silk several hundred years ago, all come to drag someone back to time tunnel and fly to the arena of the 70s.