Age mellowed a person

Met some friends this afternoon.

Excellent gathering indeed. We have been friends for many years but somehow we lost contact for a long time. I never thought we would come together again. But who knows that when time is ripe, things can happen in an unexpected but positive way.

Our friendship started when we were very young. It is really nice because it is sort of friendship without any shrewd and calculating motives. Admittedly, we were not particular close when we were young. Despite this, time mellowed our youthful temper.

Time has made us more seasoned and sophisticated. Now we have more stories to tell, more topics to discuss with.... Jokingly but unwillingly, I am more and more convinced that this is the best reason to get......O - L - D.

Every single photo represents a split second of life

Feel great after having two videos done. They are made up of photos taken in the past, many of them should have been trashed long time ago. Strange, I am still keeping them. May be I have forgotten them actually. Quality wise, they are either out-of-focused or... the composition is just not right. In short, they did not please me then.

They have been long-forgotten and deserted. Despite this, they are still invaluable fragments of memories. Now put together, they become a mosaic of my life experience in the past. The videos are done too. I can't help watching them again and again. All these supposed-to-be-discarded photos get their place now, more importantly, they get their soul now. Every single photo represents a split second of life, no matter if it is blurred or what, it still carries weight.


It happens to be a nostalgic feel creeping into the deepest part of my heart. It is nothing but an urge of compulsiveness that always drives me back to the neighbourhood that I spent my childhood.

Taking photos, walking around, all these turn out to be part of the ceremonial routine. Right, it is a pilgrimage I make to seek sort of internal peace deep in my heart. Time flies. My memories of the old neighbourhood become patchy.

What I could possibly do is to let my own imagination reach out to the far end of the time tunnel and...take a momentary hold of the past with the help of the surroundings that have survived the tide of urban renewal in the 80s. The buildings I was familiar with are no longer there. Feeling sad ? A little bit, really......Have to admit, that's LIFE......