風中微塵 Dust in the wind

I've come across some old songs recently in Youtube. Have to admit, I initially took a playful attempt to test out how good the Youtube was. Deeply amazed by its musical charisma, I finally spent a whole night to try out any songs I could possibly remember of. Thanks to Internet! It does always surprise me. I am now overwhelmingly convinced by its almightiness. I glanced through Wikipedia the background information of the songs, while at the same time I checked out the lyrics of the songs word by word, line by line, in a starving manner.

At a point in our youthful days, there happened that some tunes of music lingering in our ears. They are easy to catch up, the melody, the refrain or the lyrics, don't know... there must be something in the songs that have arrested our ears and mellowed our memory, yet somehow, ironically, we didn't fully understand what the songs were talking about. Years are rolling by, they may have been put into a hutch, long forgotten. Yet, by incident, they snake into our ears and stir up our memories again. Intriguingly mellowed with our life experience all these years, these songs render us a new perspective, through which, I suppose, we could observe better the world we are living in.

Dust in the wind -Kansas / 中譯: Zamu

I close my eyes

Only for a moment and the moment's gone
點滴回憶出現 瞬間無影踪

All my dreams


Pass before my eyes in curiosity

Dust in the wind

All they are is dust in the wind
輕飄飄如 風中塵煙

Same old song

Just a drop of water in an endless sea
是無邊 大海 微小一水點

All we do crumbles to the ground

Though we refuse to see
把 我 心情來牽

Dust in the wind

All we are dust in the wind


Don't hang on

Nothing lasts forever

but the earth and sky

It slips away


All your money won't another minute buy
一分一秒 縱有金錢 不能帶

Dust in the wind


All we are is dust in the wind
人間一切 是鏡花水月

Dust in the wind

Everything is dust in the wind

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